Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People

Highly energetic dog breeds are the perfect companions for adventures and they make any adventure more enjoyable with their enthusiasm and their love for their pack.

It’s important to know that highly energetic dogs will not fit into every lifestyle. Please ensure you have the time to walk them or have a large backyard for them to run around in. Although they may require more physical activity than other dog breeds, highly energetic dog breeds will keep you fitter and healthier. 

Conversely, find our list of the least active dog breeds here or continue reading below to find out the most hyper dog breeds!

Please note that like any breed round up, all the following choices are subjective and are far from being exhaustive. We know there are many other wonderful dog breeds that could have made the list and the list is in no particular order!

If you have a dog whose breed appears on our “Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People” list or if you think your dog breed should have been on here, please let us know in the comments section below!

The Pet Embassy’s “Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People”

Border Collie

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
A Border Collie running wild through water. Photo by 825545 from Pixabay

Size: Medium

Temperament:  Energetic, Intelligent and Tenacious

Border Collies are a real family dog. The Border Collie is one of the smartest dog breeds in the world as well as one of the most loyal dog breeds. They have ranked as the smartest dog breed in the world in many studies. With this level of intellect comes deep loyalty to their masters as long as they are mentally and physically stimulated. They are a friendly breed who love to play, which makes them one of our favourite medium dog breeds.

As the Border Collie is one of the most active dog breeds in the world they need lots of space to run, a big back yard or a farm is the best place for them after all they were originally bred for herding livestock! The Border Collie could become very bored in a small apartment or somewhere where they could not let their mind and legs run free. They also thoroughly enjoy playing games with children, which makes the Border Collie one of the best dog breeds for kids and families.

Border Collies are one of the most energetic dog breeds and as a result their coat needs a lot of maintenance to ensure that there is no dirt and debris in there from their day-to-day activities.

Also, the Border Collie is one of the best herding dog breeds.

Siberian Husky

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
Two Siberian Huskies running in the snow. Photo by Kateryna Babaieva from Pexels

Size: Large

Temperament: Friendly, Gentle and Outgoing

The Siberian Husky is believed to have originated among a tribe of Siberian nomads called the Chukchi. DNA tests confirm that the Siberian Husky is among one of the oldest dog breeds. Siberian Huskies were bred to pull sleds over long distances in tough terrain in Siberia. Siberian Huskies are adored by many for their friendly and gentle nature, this makes them lousy watch dogs, but, they are one of our favorite large dogs.

Due to their origins pulling sledges, the Siberian Husky is one of the most active dog breeds and have copious amounts of energy. Ensure you take your Siberian Husky on daily long walks, hikes or runs to keep their strength in their legs. These elegant dogs are happy to go on any adventure, however, due to their thick fur keeping them warm in the arctic they are prone to overheating.

Also, the Siberian Husky is one of our favorite working dog breeds.

Labrador Retrievers

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
A lovely Labrador Retriever puppy enjoying some exercise. Image by Sven Lachmann from Pixabay

Size: Large

Temperament:  Energetic, Intelligent and Tenacious

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most active dog breeds and need around an hour exercise every day. This could be running, swimming, or fetch. They are an intelligent dog breed who get great satisfaction out of releasing their energy in fun ways.

Labrador Retrievers are a real family dog and they make great pets for first-time dog owners due to their affectionate and loyal natures. This one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world and they are frequently trained to aid those with blindness or autism. They are known for being calm and gentle, meaning they are a great family dog as well as a great companion to share the home with as well as being one of the best dog breed for kids and families, and they love to play games with children as they are one of the most energetic dog breeds in the world. In addition, Labrador Retrievers are one of the best dog breeds for seniors. Labrador Retrievers are one of the most loyal dog breeds to their family, and develop bonds with each member, not just with one person. They are friendly to everyone they meet and get along with other animals in the household. 

Labrador Retrievers are a double-coated dog breed therefore they require regular grooming to keep their coats nice and healthy. Their coat should be brushed regularly as this can alert you to health and skin problems such as hot spots, hair loss or dry skin.

In addition, Labrador Retrievers are one of our favorite large dog breeds as well as one of our top working dog breeds.

Australian Cattle Dog

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
Australian Cattle Dog enjoying life by the pool. Photo by Ezio Ricardo Martins from Pexels

Size: Medium

Temperament: Brave, Obedient and  Protective.

Australian Cattle Dogs are a hard working dog breed and they are one of the most intelligent dog breeds. They were originally bred by Australian settlers to handle herds of cattle on vast ranches and they are still used to this day. The Australian Cattle dog is known as a “shadow dog” as they show deep loyalty to their owners. The Australian Cattle dog is an extremely protective breed and will go above and beyond for their family.  The Australian Cattle dog will run around for hours without tiring, making them one of the most energetic dog breeds in the world.

The Australian Cattle dog are one of the most energetic dog breeds so they can get easily bored if they are not given ample exercise combined with mental stimulation. After all, they are one of the best herding dogs in the world. The Australian Cattle dog needs a regular job or activity to keep them busy and out of trouble! They excel at most dog sports and have a tendency to enjoy learning different tricks and solving puzzles!

The Australian Cattle Dog is one of the longest living dog breeds. They have bags of energy to burn and they will be running around in your lives for up to to 16 years!

Also, the Australian Cattle dog is one of our favorite herding dog breeds in the world!

St Bernard

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
A photogenic St Bernard looking away from the camera. Photo by Sean1006 from Pixabay

Size: Large

Temperament: Calm, Friendly and Gentle

The St Bernard are one of the most energetic dog breeds and will run around for hours if they have the space to open their legs. It is imperative that St Bernard gets a lot of physical activity. St Bernard are one of the most active dog breeds and they need regular exercise to stretch those strong and powerful leg muscles. The St Bernard will thrive on spending time with their pack and they do not handle themselves well when they are left behind. Therefore, it is best to either take them with you or have someone around the house if possible. 

The St Bernard forms a close bond to their master and also forms very strong bonds to other members of their pack. They are one of our most loyal dog breeds because they have the ability to form deep relationships with many members of their pack. When they are raised with children in the home, they too become part of their pack.

Both the short and long haired breeds need moderate care as their cots shed constantly, whilst the long-haired breeds can easily mat. They need an occasional bath to remove the water-resistant oils from their coat.

Jack Russell Terrier

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
An alert Jack Russell Terrier. Photo by Pille Kirsi from Pexels

Size: Small

Temperament: Athletic, Fearless and Vocal

Bred in England around 150-200 years ago to hunt foxes, the Jack Russell is an intelligent and one of the most energetic dog breeds. Like most other terriers, they are exceptional diggers so they may look to excavate your garden, so proper training is advised! Jack Russell Terriers must have a securely fenced yard to give them room to play and burn off their abundant energy.

As the Jack Russell is an active dog breed, we recommend long walks everyday combined with several games in the yard or in the park. They are bouncy little dogs who are capable of jumping higher than 5 feet! Don’t let their small size fool you, the Jack Russell Terrier is ready for any adventure with their master!

The Jack Russell Terrier is one of the longest living dog breeds. They often live for 13 to 16 years, which makes them one of the longest living dog breeds.

Belgian Malinois

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
A Belgian Malinois having fun with their new toy. Photo by Jozef Fehér from Pexels

Size: Large

Temperament: Alert, Devoted and Protective

The Belgian Malinois is one of the most active dog breeds. Their origins were to herd sheep, however, their versatile nature means they are often police or protection dogs now. They are a great working dog who is confident and protective in any situation and make excellent watch dogs. They are one of our favorite dogs for protection.

The Belgian Malinois is one of the most energetic dog breeds and is therefore built for action and a leisurely walk will not suffice. They need exercise several times a day, long brisk walks and jogging are the best for the Belgian Malinois. They are an intelligent breed who thrives with some kind of job to do and regular exercise. The Belgian Malinois enjoy regular participation in dog sports. They also require lots of mental stimulation, like tracking and nose work, as this is what they were originally bred for.

Also, the Belgian Malinois is one of favorite herding dog breeds.


Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
A lovely Poodle puppy plays on the grass. Image by carah_ from Pixabay

Size: Medium

Temperament: Active, Instinctual and Intelligent 

The Poodle is a well-known and versatile breed that can come in miniature, toy or standard size. Poodles are one of the most active dog breeds as well as a family dog that responds well to training and are able to thrive in a number of households, they are one of the best dog breeds for kids and families. The Poodle is protective of his home and family, and if strangers approach your house, they are known to sound a warning bark to let you know. Their easy going nature and ability to learn makes them one of the best dog breeds for beginners as well as one of the best dog breeds for seniors.

The Poodle is one of the smartest dog breeds in the world. Their intelligence, playful nature and the fact that they are one of the most energetic dog breeds means that obedience training is essential in keeping your Poodle mentally and physically stimulated. In addition, they also should be taken for exercise daily and they enjoy and excel at dog games due to their intelligent nature. Poodles are energetic dogs that need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy. The Poodle is one of our favorite medium dog breeds.

The Poodle is one of the longest living dog breeds and they can live for about 12 to 15 years, but note that toy and miniature varieties usually outlast standard poodles. All variations of the Poodle are amongst the longest living dog breeds.

Poodles are hypoallergenic and the Toy Poodle features on our favorite small hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Cocker Spaniel

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
A beautiful Cocker Spaniel. Image by Katrina_S from Pixabay

Size: Medium

Temperament: Affectionate, Friendly and Playful

Even though The Cocker Spaniel is a beloved family dog breed, they were originally bred to hunt game! They are never happier than making you happy and are loyal to the bone! They are highly trainable and can thrive in any living situation, whether it is an apartment with regular exercise outdoors or a house with a yard for them to run free!

The Cocker Spaniel is one of the most active dog breeds in the world due to their origins as a hunting dog. The Cocker Spaniel needs regular exercise and dog games to please their instinctual nature. If you are out walking your Cocker Spaniel don’t be surprised if they try to run off after birds of small animals! They also love to swim, so be careful when around water as they may run towards it!

The Cocker Spaniel is also one of our favorite medium dog breeds.


Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People
A Boxer flying over the grass. Image by Romuald Gałęcki from Pixabay

Size: Medium

Temperament: Hyper, Energetic and Curious

Boxers were originally bred to be guard dogs, however, today they are part of the working dogs group. The Boxer is often described as a “hearing” guard dog as they are watchful and alert. Which are just some of the reasons as to why the Boxer is one of our favorite dogs for protection. When they are not playing around, they are very self assured. They are great around kids as they are very patient. Whilst boxers mostly find homes as loving members of the family they still have high energy levels and require plenty of exercise.

The Boxer is one of the most active dog breeds in the world and they also have need for companionship. Boxers are ideal for people who will be with them most of the time or have someone in the house often. They need regular exercise to maintain a happy and healthy life. They are an energetic dog breeds and love playing with other dogs as well as long walks and games are a must.

The Boxer is one of our favorite working dog breeds as well as one of our favorite medium dog breeds.

Is your dog breed featured in the our “Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People” list? Let us know in the comment section below.

Many of these dogs also feature in our other posts so why not read them below!

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