Top 10 Dog Breeds That Suffer From Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs is triggered when your dog becomes fearful and scared of being without their owners for a long period of time. There are many ways in which you can treat separation anxiety such as leaving out a mentally stimulated toy for your dog, taking them for a walk before you have toContinue reading “Top 10 Dog Breeds That Suffer From Separation Anxiety”

Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America (2020)

Is your dog’s breed winning this year popularity contest? The Pet Embassy have compiled a detail report of the Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America (2020) based on American Kennel Club registration statistics. Can the Labrador Retriever claim top spot for the 30th year in a row or does the French Bulldog stealContinue reading “Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America (2020)”

How to Train Your Dog to Walk on a Leash

Going for a walk with your dog should be one of the best things about being a dog owner. There are so many fun times and adventures to be had and memories when taking your dog for a walk. However, if you are like many pet owners and have troubles taking your dog for aContinue reading “How to Train Your Dog to Walk on a Leash”

10 of the Worst Foods For Your Dog – Top Toxic Foods for Dogs

Picture this, you’re sitting down having a bite to eat and your dog walks over with their big eyes and stares right into your soul as you’re about to take the last bite, you consider throwing the last bit to your dog because you love them so much and, why not, they’re such a goodContinue reading “10 of the Worst Foods For Your Dog – Top Toxic Foods for Dogs”

Top 10 Double Coated Dog Breeds to Cope With Difficult Weather

Dog’s coats come in all shapes and sizes. Some dog breeds coats are really curly , others really short and some others really long or everything in between. Regardless of the length and shape of their coat, we love them dearly. Some dogs have a singular coat, whilst, others have a double coat, which isContinue reading “Top 10 Double Coated Dog Breeds to Cope With Difficult Weather”

Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds

Dogs, just like us humans, can be susceptible to certain health conditions based on their genetics and dog breed. Usually, medical issues such ranging from cancer to skin conditions are known to be more prominent in one dog breed over another. However, there are some dog breeds which generally live healthier lives than others andContinue reading “Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds”

Top 10 Ideas for Your Dogs Birthday – Things to do for Your Dog’s Special Day

Your dog is constantly by your side and giving you that unconditional love and affection that we love dogs for. Just like humans, dogs have a day of birth. However, unlike humans they don’t actually know it’s their birthday. So here at The Pet Embassy, we think it would be amazing if you threw yourContinue reading “Top 10 Ideas for Your Dogs Birthday – Things to do for Your Dog’s Special Day”

Top 10 Worst Dogs for Kids and Families

Like we mentioned in our other posts, a dog can bring happiness and joyfulness into any home. However, there are some dogs that are just not as good around children as other dog breeds. Dogs must be treated with respect and sometimes your child may not treat your dog in this way, therefore, there couldContinue reading “Top 10 Worst Dogs for Kids and Families”

Top 10 Gassiest Dog Breeds

Just like humans, dogs get a little gassy from time to time but that is just natural! Some dog breeds may only let loose once in a while whilst others appear to be trying their best to constantly let loose. We can appreciate that this may not be for everyone, therefore, we at The PetContinue reading “Top 10 Gassiest Dog Breeds”

Top 10 Dog Breeds for Cold Weather Adventures and Activities

Do you live in a cold environment and want a dog but are not sure which one will be able to cope in the cold? Fear not, The Pet Embassy have compiled our “Top 10 Dog Breeds for Cold Weather” to guide you in picking a dog that will not only be okay in coldContinue reading “Top 10 Dog Breeds for Cold Weather Adventures and Activities”

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