Dog Breeds

Dog Breed Reviews

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Suffer From Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs is triggered when your dog becomes fearful and scared of being without their owners for a long period of time. There are many ways in which you can treat separation anxiety such as leaving out a mentally stimulated toy for your dog, taking them for a walk before you have to…

Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America (2020)

Is your dog’s breed winning this year popularity contest? The Pet Embassy have compiled a detail report of the Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America (2020) based on American Kennel Club registration statistics. Can the Labrador Retriever claim top spot for the 30th year in a row or does the French Bulldog steal…

How to Train Your Dog to Walk on a Leash

Going for a walk with your dog should be one of the best things about being a dog owner. There are so many fun times and adventures to be had and memories when taking your dog for a walk. However, if you are like many pet owners and have troubles taking your dog for a…

10 of the Worst Foods For Your Dog – Top Toxic Foods for Dogs

Picture this, you’re sitting down having a bite to eat and your dog walks over with their big eyes and stares right into your soul as you’re about to take the last bite, you consider throwing the last bit to your dog because you love them so much and, why not, they’re such a good…

Top 10 Double Coated Dog Breeds to Cope With Difficult Weather

Dog’s coats come in all shapes and sizes. Some dog breeds coats are really curly , others really short and some others really long or everything in between. Regardless of the length and shape of their coat, we love them dearly. Some dogs have a singular coat, whilst, others have a double coat, which is…

Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds

Dogs, just like us humans, can be susceptible to certain health conditions based on their genetics and dog breed. Usually, medical issues such ranging from cancer to skin conditions are known to be more prominent in one dog breed over another. However, there are some dog breeds which generally live healthier lives than others and…

Top 10 Ideas for Your Dogs Birthday – Things to do for Your Dog’s Special Day

Your dog is constantly by your side and giving you that unconditional love and affection that we love dogs for. Just like humans, dogs have a day of birth. However, unlike humans they don’t actually know it’s their birthday. So here at The Pet Embassy, we think it would be amazing if you threw your…

Top 10 Worst Dogs for Kids and Families

Like we mentioned in our other posts, a dog can bring happiness and joyfulness into any home. However, there are some dogs that are just not as good around children as other dog breeds. Dogs must be treated with respect and sometimes your child may not treat your dog in this way, therefore, there could…

Top 10 Gassiest Dog Breeds

Just like humans, dogs get a little gassy from time to time but that is just natural! Some dog breeds may only let loose once in a while whilst others appear to be trying their best to constantly let loose. We can appreciate that this may not be for everyone, therefore, we at The Pet…

Top 10 Dog Breeds for Cold Weather Adventures and Activities

Do you live in a cold environment and want a dog but are not sure which one will be able to cope in the cold? Fear not, The Pet Embassy have compiled our “Top 10 Dog Breeds for Cold Weather” to guide you in picking a dog that will not only be okay in cold…

How to Train Your Dog to Play So You Can Have Hours Of Fun

Playing with your dog is one of the best things in the world. There are multiple benefits not only for your dog but for yourself as well. We as humans are always worried about something, however, when we are playing with our dog all of these problems seem to go out the window just for…

Dog Body Language Guide: How to Read Your Dog Like a Pro

We all wish our dogs could tell us what they’re thinking through words, however, this is not the case. What we can do though is watch our dogs body language very closely and you will be able to tell what your dog is telling you through their actions. Understanding your dogs body language is an…

Why Does My Dog Run Away and How to Stop Them

Losing your dog can be a very terrifying experience and it’s even worse to think that your dog ran away on purpose. If you find your dog running away frequently, then it is imperative you search to find the reasons why your dog is running away. Dogs are instinctual creatures and running away from a…

Top 10 Terrier Dog Breeds to Keep You Entertained

Despite their small stature, terrier dog breeds can bring love and excitement into your home. With a terrier by your side, you can have so much fun doing the things you love or even relaxing around the house. Terrier dog breeds are genuinely excited about life, and their varied origins result in a wide range…

Top 10 Big Fluffy Dog Breeds That Are The Same As A Real Life Teddy Bear

All dogs are wonderful and cuddly, but large, fluffy dog breeds have something extra special. Although the cuddliness of these dogs must be noted, it is also important to remember that all of that fur serves a reason other than being “cute.” Here at The Pet Embassy we have compiled our a list of our…

Ways to Recognize Stress in Dogs To Help Them Through a Tough Time

Each of us is affected differently by stress. Some of us can speak too fast, sweat and shake, or snap at our friends or relatives. Others can become more quiet and withdrawn, eat more than normal, or begin to sleep less. Stress affects all of us in a number of different ways, both psychologically and…

How To Build a Dog’s Confidence In A Shy or Fearful Dog

When you take your dog to a new destination do they leap out of the car in excitement ready to take in the sights? Or do they wait behind you with their tail tucked in? What does you dog do for example, when a new friend pays you and them a visit? Does your dog…

New Puppy Checklist to Help You Ease Your New Companion Into Your Home

Getting a new puppy can be one of the most exciting, fun, and fulfilling times in your life. A puppy will make your life full of joy and happiness, but there is a small chance that they may also bring you frustration as you try to train them. With that being said, here at The…

Helpful Tips to Follow When Introducing Dogs

If you already have one dog in your home but are considering bringing in another dog, you are not alone. According to Best Friends Animal Society, almost 1/3 of American households are multi-pet households (for good reason!). Giving your dog a friend has many benefits, it helps cure their boredom as their new sibling is…

Why Does My Dog Do That? An Answer to The Most Googled Questions of 2020

As a pet owner, how many times have you asked Google a question to find answers on your dog? Here at The Pet Embassy, we have compiled the most search questions on “Why does my dog do…” and provided in depth answers to make sure you dog remains happy! Why do dogs lick? There are…

Top 10 Herding Dog Breeds for Active Families

Herding dogs were originally bred to work on farms and large pieces of land. Herding dog breeds are extremely intelligent and have lots of energy to burn. If you are looking for a dog breed which is intelligent and lively, then a herding dog breed might be for you. Please note that like any breed…

Top 10 Working Dog Breeds to Help With Those Tasks

Working dog breeds are generally a very intelligent type of dog that thrive when being given a task or some work to do. They are a very energetic type of dog breed and will follow you on any adventure. Working dogs were bred for many different reasons, however, they have all grown into the dogs…

Top 10 Small Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for People Who Suffer From Allergies

If you have always wanted a canine companion but have always found yourself sneezing and scratching around dogs, The Pet Embassy has compiled a list of our favourite Hypoallergenic Small Dog Breeds so you can enjoy the wonders of a canine companion without being uncomfortable. These dog breeds are small dog breed who don’t shed…

Top 10 Favorite Large Dog Breeds for Any Adventure

Any dog will provide you with love and companionship, which is why many of us have them as companions in our homes. Some people prefer a certain type of dog over another and that’s completely okay, there are always many reasons to have a preference! Large dogs offer protection and are up for those adventures!…

Top 10 Favorite Medium Dog Breeds That Encompass The Best of Both Worlds

Any dog will provide you with love and companionship, which is why many of us have them as companions in our homes. Some people prefer a certain type of dog over another and that’s completely okay, there are always many reasons to have a preference! Medium dog breeds encompass the best of both worlds, they…

Top 10 Best Dog Breeds for Protection and To Keep You Safe

We have many reasons to want a guard dog whether it be for personal protection, protection of our property or simply to know when a visitor is at the door. Guard dogs sometimes get a bad reputation for their traits but these same traits make them incredibly loyal pets. The best guard dogs are brave,…

Top 10 Longest Living Dog Breeds to Fill Your Home With Love

The toughest part about being a dog owner is having to say goodbye, especially when your dog has brought such love and companionship into your home. Dogs usually have an average lifespan of around 10 to 13 years. As with any animal, a good quality diet and lifestyle can prolong their life. Here at The…

Top 10 Best Dogs for Apartments and Smaller Living Spaces

Some more hyper dog breeds need vast amounts of space to run around and let loose where as other less active dog breeds require much less space and are happier just lazing about on the sofa. If you are thinking of adopting a dog but live in an apartment and you are worried that your…

Top 10 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors and Older People

Senior citizens, just like the rest of us, deserve a life full of happiness and companionship. Dogs provide both of these as well as enthusiasm, love and humour to name just a few things. If you are a senior citizen and you feel like you want a dog but don’t know what dog breed would…

Top 10 Least Active Dog Breeds for Lazy People

Not every dog breed is extremely active. Some dog breeds much prefer lying on the sofa with their owners or relaxing in the sunshine. Here at The Pet Embassy, we have compiled a list of the least active dog breeds. If you lead a less active lifestyle, these dog breeds could be perfect for you.…

Top 10 Favorite Small Dog Breeds to Keep You Company

Any dog will provide you with love and companionship, which is why many of us have them as companions in our homes. Some people prefer a certain type of dog over another and that’s completely okay, there are always many reasons to have a preference! For instance, smaller dogs are easier to care for than…

Is My Dog Depressed? – What To Do If Your Dog Seems Sad and Tired

To a dog owner, their pets well being is one of the most important things. Pets are constantly by your side through thick and thin, and it can become upsetting if you feel as if your pet is depressed and not being themselves. The Pet Embassy is here to help you in this situation and…

Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds (Intelligent Dog Rankings)

Whilst, we can all agree, that any dog is a great contender to be a best friend even though some are slightly more goofy than others our love for them is never ending. However, certain dog breeds stand out from the pack when it comes to working intelligence. Intelligence in dog breeds can come down…

Top 10 Dog Breeds for Kids and Families

Dogs can teach kids compassion, cooperation and responsibility amongst other important lessons. Dogs do this whilst also being the best playmates that any child could ask for. Before you adopt any dog, it’s important to do the research into what kind of dog breed will fit into your family and your lifestyle. Here at The…

Top 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds for Active People

Highly energetic dog breeds are the perfect companions for adventures and they make any adventure more enjoyable with their enthusiasm and their love for their pack. It’s important to know that highly energetic dogs will not fit into every lifestyle. Please ensure you have the time to walk them or have a large backyard for…

Top 10 Best Dogs for Beginners and First Time Dog Owners

Looking for your perfect companion can be a daunting experience, especially when it’s your first time. Fear not, The Pet Embassy are here to provide you with a list of our best dog breeds for beginners to ensure that you have an idea of what to expect from your new companion. Understanding which dog breeds…

Top 10 Most Loyal Dog Breeds for Your Home

Most of us can agree that dogs are a man’s best friend. Everybody wants something a little different from their dog and many potential owners want a loyal dog to stand by them no matter what. Some dog breeds will love anyone who takes them for a walk or gives them a treat, other dog…

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